• By Kamdjou Duplex
  • 5 years ago
  • 364337
  • less than one min read
  • Blogging

    A web log, often shortened to "blog," is a web page that contains dated posts, by one or multiple users, often pertaining to a particular topic. "Blogging" is the act of writing in a blog.


    What is Bproo?

    Bproo is possibly one of the best blogging platforms out there right now which offers free blogging. In this article, I will take you through on how to start a blog on Bproo as a professional.

    Bproo is a wonderful content discovery platform that helps you discover the thoughts of professionals from across the globe. Bproo bills itself as a platform for anyone willing to increase his knowledge base and not advertisers. It’s gracefully ad-free.


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    Kamdjou Duplex

    the world would not be so beautiful without people willing to share knowledge